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Intellectual property

Copyright and intellectual rights

Copyright and intellectual rights

  1. DECIBEL is a registered trademark with application № 2012123800N and date of application 21.05.2012 to the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. DECIBEL is owned by DECIBEL PLC.
  2. The intellectual property rights over all elements of the content of the website www.decibelinternational.co.uk and its websites are subject to copyright within the meaning of the Copyright and Related Rights Act and / or the Trademarks and Geographical Indications Act.
  3. All elements in the website are a property of DECIBEL PLC. or its clients and / or partners who have provided consent for their publication and use. When using the Services subject to these General Terms and Conditions, the user has access to a variety of content and resources that are subject to copyright or other intellectual property rights of the owner, other users or designated persons. The User has access to the content for personal use in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and has no right to use, record, store, reproduce, modify, adapt or publicly distribute intellectual property objects that have become available to him when using the Services, except in the case of insignificant information intended for personal use, provided that the legitimate interests of the authors or other holders of intellectual property rights are not unduly prejudiced if the copying or reproduction is carried out for non-commercial purposes, as well as in case the relevant content has been provided by him or has received the explicit written consent of the respective right holders. Notwithstanding the above, the consumer has no right to remove the trademark and other intellectual property rights from the materials available to him, regardless of whether the holder of the relevant rights is the operator or another person.
  4. The use of elements of the Site may be made only with the express written consent of the owner of the Site or a person authorized by him. The citation of information provided on the Site is possible only under the condition that the source is mentioned, namely "DECIBEL", DECIBEL PLC. or decibelinternational.co.uk/ decibelinternational.com (or any other domain variations owned by DECIBEL PLC.)
  5. In case of non-observance of the above-mentioned rights, DECIBEL PLC has the right to seek its rights in international court.
  6. The citation of information provided on the Site is possible only under the condition that the source is mentioned, namely "DECIBEL", DECIBEL PLC. or decibelinternational.com
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